Sunday 11 June 2023


The Summer issue of EAGLE Times has arrived early. It features a report on this year's EAGLE Society Gathering in York, by Reg  Hoare, an article on 'Spaceships -  from Buck Rogers 1928 to Dan Dare 1950' by David Britton and the final part of David's long running series 'Charles Chilton and the Indian Wars'. There are two pieces by Steve Winders about EAGLE's back page biographies in this issue. The first is the final part of  'The Baden Powell Story', about the founder of the Scouting Movement and the second is Part One of 'The Great Charlemagne', about the famous Frankish Emperor. The issue also includes Steve's article about the short lived 1958 - '59 strip 'Cavendish Brown' and the text of his speech 'Infinite Possibilities', given at the York Gathering. Finally, there is the  second and final part of 'the Archie Berkeley-Willoughby adventure 'The Case of the Providential Puncture'. Copies are available from Bob Corn at the address on the right.
The latest issue is reviewed on the Down The Tubes site: