From 1950, and for over a decade, "cutaways" filled the top half of the centre pages as a full colour centre-spread. Later the feature was moved, initially still in colour, to fill the back page and then back inside the magazine, but on a single page in black and white. There seemed no limit to the technologies covered: from the historic, to the contemporary, to the futuristic: trains, boats and planes, trams, hovercraft and rockets, spacecraft, cars, buses, motorways, underground railways, fighting vehicles, motor cycles, power stations - and the photocopier.
By far the most prolific artist was Leslie Ashwell Wood, an example of whose work is seen above*. Of the (depending how you count it) 946 issues of Eagle that included cutaways, 617 were by him, including the very first, and the last (in the penultimate issue of Eagle).
In all, around two dozen artists contributed to the feature, the most notable after Leslie Ashwell Wood being: J. Walkden Fisher, John Batchelor, Geoffrey Wheeler, Laurence Dunn, Hubert Redmill and Roy Cross. It is likely that in many cases authorship of the text that accompanied the drawings is attributable to the artists themselves. This is certainly the case for the leading artists, who would have done their own technical research, and may be true for many of the lesser-known artists too.
The following is an alphabetical list of all the artists who are known to have contributed to Eagle cutaways, together with the numbers of their contributions. In some cases only a single name (presumably the surname) is known. Around a dozen contributions are unattributed to any known author.
- P. J. Ashmore (1)
- John Batchelor (44)
- __? Blake (1)
- __? Bowyer ( 3)
- Bruce Cornwell (4)
- Roy Cross (23)
- Gordon Davies (10)
- Laurence Dunn (48)
- Eric Eden (3)
- Albert Charles Martin Ellis (3)
- Dennis Fairlie (2)
- Charles Hurford (4)
- R. Nicholl (1)
- Paul B. Mann (5)
- Gerald Palmer (19)
- Hubert Redmill (39)
- T. C. Renwick-Adams (1)
- John S. Smith (2)
- J. Walkden-Fisher (59)
- Brian Watson (1)
- Geoffrey Wheeler (44)
- Leslie Ashwell Wood (617)
Selected cutaway drawing from Eagle are reprinted in:
*The cutaway drawing of the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle by Leslie Ashwell Wood appeared as the centrespread in Eagle's second birthday issue, Vol 3 No1 (10th April, 1952).- The Eagle Book of Cutaways, Denis Gifford (Ed.) Webb & Bower, 1988. (Although credited with featuring exclusively L. Ashwell Wood drawings, one illustration, of Dan Dare's 'Anastasia' spacecraft, is by Eric Eden)
- The Eagle Annual of the Cutaways, Orion Books, September 2008.