- 'Laurence Dunn – Maritime Artist', reviews the career of Eagle's third most prolific cutaway artist (after L. Ashwell Wood and J. Walkden Fisher), whose career as a (predominantly) maritime artist and author began in the mid 1930s

- 'Winding my way down Baker Street' – an appreciation of the artist and illustrator Don Harley – whom 'Dan Dare' creator Frank Hampson (the best, of course) once described as “the second best 'Dan Dare' artist”
- 'PC49 and the Case of the Counterfeit Copper' – part 2, concluding a text story, specially adapted for Eagle Times from one of Alan Stranks' famous BBC radio plays
- 'Frank McDiarmid' - an article-with-Q&A on an artist whose career began over fifty years ago with D.C. Thompson and who (in 1967, for Fleetway/IPC) drew 'Mickey Merlin' in Eagle
- 'Tea-gle' - on the Eagle cutaway of the Cutty Sark which is included as part of an exhibition at the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich
- 'Die-Cast Comics' - on the numerous die cast vehicle models that feature story papers or comics and their characters, such as Boy's Own Paper, Eagle and 'Dan Dare', Beano and 'Biffo the Bear', Tiger and 'Roy of the Rovers', etc.
- 'Dan Dare Holiday Special, 1991': the fourth in a series of articles about Eagle holiday specials examines the second (and last?) Dan Dare Special.
- 'Celebrating Ten years of Spaceship Away' - a review of the first ten years of the magazine that publishes (3 times a year) new adventures of the original 'Dan Dare', along with other science fiction strips.
- 'Randolph Turpin – Eagle Sports Personality 1951-52'. On the ultimately tragic life of the boxer from Leamington Spa who won the World Middleweight Championship against Sugar Ray Robinson in July 1951, and was voted Sports Personality for two successive years by Eagle readers
- 'In Memory of Charles Chilton' - an account of the celebration of the life and work of the famous writer and producer, that was held at the BBC on 29th June, 2013
- 'Hornblower in Eagle' - an examination of the strip, based on C.S. Forrester's Hornblower stories, that appeared in Eagle between and 1962 and 1963, drawn by Martin Aitchison
- Reggie Musgrave – obituary
- 'Dan Dare Pilot of the Future Spacefleet Operations Manual' – a review of the recently published Haynes guide to Spacefleet
- 'Eagle Day 2013' - a photo-illustrated report on the exhibition/bring-and-buy held at Great Staughton, Cambs., on 8th September, 2013
- 'No Eagle this week?' - features a book illustration (dating from 1890) for a story which concerned another publication called the "Eagle"
- 'The Allisons Spread their Wings' - on the career of the 1960s pop duo, one of whose earliest broadcast performances was on the Hulton Press-sponsored Spread Your Wings programme on Radio Luxembourg
- David Jacobs CBE – noting the recent recent death (on 2nd September, 2013) of the famous actor and presenter