- 'Chad Varah's uncredited written work for Eagle' - Although some of Chad Varah's contributions were given visible credit at the time of publication, others (including his script for the 'Dan Dare' story 'Marooned on Mercury') were not. This article reviews Chad's uncredited contributions to the early Eagle and to Eagle Annual.
- 'In and Out of the Eagle' - another double dose of the series presenting collections of Eagle-related news snippets
- 'PC49 and the Case of the Manilla Envelopes' - another text story adaptation from one of Alan Stranks' original radio plays about an East End "copper".
- 'Navy Mints and Swizzels Matlow' - on the search for information about the advertising comic strip, featuring Minty, Fruity and Scotty, that appeared in Eagle from 1954, drawn by Roland Davies
- 'Lost Eagle - the solution to the Eagle Force mystery' - in a follow-up article to the one he wrote for Eagle Times Vol 26 No 2, Jeremy Briggs finally tracks down the answers to questions that began in 2010 with some mysterious artwork that appeared in Daniel Tatarsky's Dan Dare: The Biography
- 'Happy Days - Growing up in the fifties' - a member looks back at those supposedly grey days of austerity and recalls it as a more colourful time than many in the media might now suggest
- 'An Eagle Mug Shot' - one of the first 1950s Eagle Club members who, at the age of 14, was awarded the "Mug of the Month" award by Eagle for taking care of the livestock when his farming father fell ill
- 'Silver Eagler' - a 1956 recipient of the Silver Eagle Award. (Silver Eagle was the new name for Eagle's Mug of the Month award, from 1954)
- 'The Eagle Society Annual Dinner, 2014' - a photo-illustrated report on activities at the Annual Gathering of the Eagle Society, which was held in April at St Albans, Herts.
- 'War with the Sioux by Hollywood and Eagle' - comparing the story of "Custer's Last Stand", as told by Hollywood in The Great Sioux Massacre and Eagle in the 'Jeff Arnold' strip 'The War with the Sioux'
- 'Dangerous Dreamer - The Eagle back page story that never was' - on the aborted strip about T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) that, had it not been cancelled, would have been drawn for Eagle by Jack Daniel
- 'The Lost World' - a review of the adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous story that appeared in Eagle in 1962, scripted by Richard Jennings and drawn by Martin Aitchison
- 'Southport Observatory' - an appeal regarding the restoration of the Great Astronomical Observatory in Hesketh Park in Southport, Eagle's birthplace
- 'Eagle's other cereals' - the breakfast cereals that were advertised in Eagle during the 1950s and 1960s, and the interesting items (cut-outs, etc.) that featured on the backs of the packets
- 'Marcus Morris and Eagle: approved reading for boys in the 1950s and 1960s' - a reprint (with permission) of an article by John Springhall that appeared in The Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, in Summer 2013
- 'The 1954 Horlicks Spaceship Offer' - on the special offers for 'Dan Dare' spaceship models that were available to exclusively to members of the Horlicks Spacemen's Club. (Horlicks were sponsors of the Dan Dare serial on Radio Luxembourg)