- 'John Worsley.. Man of many talents': a brief review of the career of Eagle's best-known 'PC49' artist, and concluding the article begun in the previous issue of Eagle Times on paintings by John Worsley shown in 2015 at the War Artists at Sea Exhibition in Greenwich
- 'PC49 and the Case of the Gypsy's Warning': part 2 of the latest Eagle Times adaptation of a PC49 radio story, originally written by Alan Stranks
- 'The Eagle Society Annual Dinner 2015': a review of the Eagle Society Gathering and Annual Dinner, which was held at Bletchley, Buckinghamshire in September 2015, and included a visit to Bletchley Park, the wartime site of the UK's Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS)
- 'Cruising Speed': featuring a game devised and drawn for Supercar Annual by Eagle writer and artist Eric Eden
- 'Dan Dare Rocket and Space Ship Builder Sets - The Meccano Connection': on the construction sets produced in the 1950s by A & M Bartram of Birmingham
- 'PC49 and the Case of the Stolen Christmas Presents': a seasonal short story from Alan Stranks, in which PC Archibald Berkeley-Willoughby plays detective
- 'Mark, The Youngest Disciple': the third, and final, final part of an examination of the background to Chad Varah's version of the events surrounding the Passion of Jesus, which appeared in Eagle between November 1954 and June 1955, drawn by Giorgio Bellavitis
- 'Christmas Annuals of the 1960s': following last year's 'From Under the 1950s Christmas Tree: Christmas Annuals', this article takes a look at the range of children's annuals and similar publications produced through the 1960s
- 'The Gay Corinthian': a comparison of the Eagle's (1961-62) reprint/adaptation of the 1924 novel by Ben Bolt with its earlier (June 1953) comic-strip adaptation in Thriller Comics
- 'In and Out of the Eagle': some more episodes in the series presenting collections of Eagle-related snippets
- 'Thanks to... Arthur Roberts (and other art editors)': David Slinn recollects his career in illustration and lettering, including his contributions to Eagle and its companion papers, and his involvement in Eaglecon80, when he interviewed Chad Varah
- Marvel Comes to Eagle: on the reprint of Marvel Comics' 'Tales of Asgard', which appeared in Eagle in 1968
- 'Where did you get those crazy ideas about space? From Hollywood probably, or sci-fi books and maybe just a few from Dan Dare': on some of fiction's less-plausible ideas about space travel and exploration
- 'Who said Lego could put men in space?': on the inclusion of a number of Lego astronauts on a recent visit by Danish astronaut Andreas E Morgensen to the International Space Station

This issue's cover depicts Christmas scenes by the artist John Worsley