- ‘Swift’ - an examination of Eagle’s companion paper for younger children (aged 7 - 9 years), which was launched by Hulton Press on 20th March 1954 and would eventually, after nine years, merge with the more successful Eagle
- ‘In and Out of the Eagle’ - more instalments in the series presenting collections of Eagle-related snippets
- ‘PC49’s Last Case’, part 2 - concluding this new story based on the characters first created for radio (and then for Eagle) by Alan Stranks
- ‘Memories of Eagle - by Those in the Know’ - A look back to 1977, when The Best of Eagle was published, and an article in the Sunday Telegraph Magazine for which some of Eagle’s creators were interviewed
- ‘Is the Prone Position Really Safer?’ - on the efficacy of the flying position adopted by Space Fleet pilots in Eagle's ‘Dan Dare’
- ‘Space Fiction Movies in Eagle’s Times’, part 3 - continuing a look at films about space exploration and alien visitations to the earth, the bread-and-butter of the Eagle's Dan Dare's adventures between 1950 and 1969. This part covers 1956-1958 including QuatermasssII, Not of This Earth and the Soviet Doroga K Zvezdam (Road to the Stars)
- ‘A Trio of Dan Dare Artists at Epsom’ - recollections of the Eagle Society’s Annual Gathering held at Epsom in 1992, attended by three former Dan Dare artists: Keith Watson, Greta Edwards (née Tomlinson) and Don Harley
- ‘The Gordon and Gotch Story’ - an examination of the remarkable story of Eagle’s principal international distributor
- ‘Dan Goes Dutch’ - How ‘Dan Dare’ (or ‘Daan Durf’) appeared in the first edition of Arend (the “Dutch Eagle”) which was published for ten years (1955-66) in The Netherlands
- ‘Why We Won’t Travel Like Dan For at Least Fifty Years’ - and ‘Why, in 100 years our spaceships will be better than Dan’s’.
- ‘The Shepherd King’, part 3 - concluding an examination of Clifford Makins' and Frank Bellamy's strip about the biblical King David, comparing Eagle's strip with biblical accounts of David's life
- ‘The Boys and Girls Exhibition, 1960’ - the third part of a series looking at programmes published for the (formerly Hultons’) Boys and Girls Exhibition that was held annually at the National Hall, Olympia in London
- ‘They Helped to Bring You Eagle, No 4 - Dan Lloyd, Chief, Sub Editor’ - continuing a series of recollections of a former Eagle employee
- ‘Wes Cardy and the Eagle Jumper’ - how a knitting pattern for an Eagle cardigan became a commemorative jumper
- ‘The Front Page’ - a look at the changing look and contents of Eagle’s front page through the 1960s
- ‘Eagle Times - Results of the Readers’ Survey’ - analysis and commentary on results from a Survey of Eagle Society members that was included with the previous issue of Eagle Times