of Dan Dare state that he was educated at Rossall School near Fleetwood in
Lancashire. Founded in 1844 as a sister school to Marlborough College, which
had been founded the previous year, Rossall has produced several famous old
boys. These include Leslie Charteris, the creator of The Saint, Sir Thomas Beecham, who founded both the London
Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestras, the Booker Prize winning
novelist J.G. Farrell, James Donald the famous film actor, Walter Clopton
Wingfield who invented lawn tennis, Sir Francis Graham Smith, the former
Astronomer Royal and Fr. Thomas Byles, the priest who refused to leave the
sinking Titanic, insisting on
remaining to help and console fellow passengers.
Rossall was possibly chosen as
Dan’s school in tribute to another old Rossallian, Terence Horsley, the editor
of the Sunday Empire News, who was about to publish Frank and Marcus Morris’ Lex Christian strip when he died in a
glider accident. His death prompted Marcus to create a whole comic weekly
instead of a single newspaper strip and Frank to develop the East End Vicar Lex
Christian into Dan Dare.
appropriately, in view of its most famous fictional old boy, the school houses
the Lawrence House Astronomy and Space Science Centre, which includes an observatory
and planetarium. Opened in 2006, the Centre resulted from efforts by parents
and Governors to restore an old established observatory in the school. Since the
1990s Rossall has been co-educational and now includes a nursery and
preparatory school, catering for children from ages 2 - 18.

Rossall was never identified as Dan’s old school in the strip. He visited his school in The Double Headed Eagle story in Eagle Annual Number Three but it was not
named. The information originally appeared in Raphael Tuck’s ‘Happy Hours’
series book of Dan Dare Water Transfers produced
in 1951. This book included twelve pages detailing Dan’s career, interleaved
with six pages of colour water transfers. It is likely, but not certain, that
the information was provided by Frank Hampson, but we can take it as official
because in a radio interview in the late 1970s Frank himself told listeners
that Dan had attended Rossall and the information was also repeated in the text
accompanying the 1955 Presso Dan Dare Spaceship,
the 1974 Dan Dare Annual and the Dan Dare Dossier in 1990, although the Dossier incorrectly stated that Rossall is in Manchester!

(When this
page first appeared in EAGLE Times I mistakenly believed that the information
about Rossall originally came from The Calvert’s Toothpowder Dan Dare Picture
Card album. However I am grateful to Charles Evans-Gunther, Adrian Perkins and
David Gould for their correction and their work on tracking the origins of Dan’s
background details.)